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Testing Services

There may come a time when you are in need of a testing or inspection service for your home or commercial structure.  We provide all of the following services as stand-alone testing and inspections in addition to our standard Home Inspections, Commercial Inspections, New Construction Inspections, and Multi-Unit Housing Inspections.

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Thermal Imaging

Thermal Imaging is a service that we offer with all Home and Commercial Inspections, this allows us to look inside the structure and see if there is anything going on inside the walls.  Thermal or infrared imaging allows us to help home buyers, homeowners, and builders learn a lot that would otherwise be impossible to find.  It also helps us to easily find damage that may go unnoticed until there is a larger problem at hand. 


Although Thermal Imaging is something that we offer during all of our Home and Commercial Inspections, we also offer it as a stand-alone service.  If you want to check on the things you can’t see within your home or building, you can have thermal imaging done at any time.

Radon Testing

Radon Testing helps to protect those in a home or structure from a key cause of lung cancer that can be silently dwelling within.  Radon Testing can help you prevent critical damage to your health, the health of your loved ones, or those in your building.  According to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) exposure to radon accounts for almost 21,000 deaths from lung cancer annually, making preventative measures a must!


Radon Testing can be added to your Home or Commercial Inspection and is recommended to be completed once every two years on homes and structures that have been mitigated.  Homes and structures where mitigation is not necessary should be tested every 5 years.  It is also important to have your home or building tested after any new/major renovations or additions.  

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Water Testing

Water Testing for wells can be done one of two ways, with the use of a kit or by sending collected samples to a lab for testing.  The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and most state government entities recommend using a certified laboratory with qualified equipment capable of testing a wide range of contaminants at a high accuracy rate. 

According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control) private well owners are responsible for testing their water to ensure that it is safe for drinking/consumption.  If you are a private well owner it is recommended to have your water tested annually (once per year) for any mechanical problems, cleanliness, coliform, bacteria, nitrates, and any other contaminants of concern. 

Water Testing can be done as part of your Home Inspection or as a stand-alone service at any time. 

Wood Destroying Insect Testing

Wood Destroying Insect Testing is a very common test that we conduct where an examination of the property takes place to determine if there are any visible signs of wood destroying insects.  Four of the most common types of wood-destroying insects in our service area are termites, carpenter ants, carpenter bees, and wood-boring beetles.  Many lenders require WDI Testing during which a pest control technician will also look for any signs of previous treatment on the property and if the treatment is currently ongoing.  

This is an additional service that you can add to your Home Inspection, Annual Home Maintenance Inspection, Commercial Inspection, or as a stand-alone service if you have reason to believe wood destroying insects may be affecting your home. 

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Septic Testing

Septic Testing is done by using a dye test to inspect your sewage system.  If you suspect that you are having issues with your septic system or require testing for permits or residential requirements you can schedule a Septic Test at any time.  Additionally, if you are buying or selling a home a Septic Inspection is required. 

A dye test is completed by adding a small amount of fluorescent (Fluorescein) dye is flushed through the toilet or put into the septic tank or distribution box.  Over the course of the next few days the ditch, catch basis, or surface of the ground will be monitored and inspected for evidence of dye. 

Septic Testing can be added to your Home or Commercial Inspection, Multi-Unit Inspection, or Annual Home Maintenance Inspection.  It can also be performed as a stand-alone service as recommended every 3 years, if required, or if you are experiencing septic issues and/or suspect damage.

Moisture Instrusion Inspection

A Moisture or Water Intrusion Inspection is completed to identify the presence of any leaks or areas where moisture is entering the home or building. This inspection also helps to identify the source and severity of the leak affecting your home or building.  Moisture and leaks within your home or building can not only affect the structure and contents but also the health of those in your home or building due to potential mold growth. 

A Moisture Intrusion Inspection is included in your Home or Commercial Inspection or performed as a stand-alone service if you are experiencing or suspect moisture issues in your home.  It is also recommended to complete a Mold Inspection if you suspect any water damage or moisture intrusion.  

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Mold Inspection

A Mold Inspection is completed to find and identify mold growth in a home or structure.  If you suspect growth, have had moisture issues, or have experienced water damage a Mold Inspection should be completed. Mold can not only cost you thousands of dollars in repairs, but it can also be detrimental to your health, the health of your family, or the health of anyone in your building, including many respiratory problems. 

When it comes to Mold Inspections when you see any signs of water damage, it’s probably time to get a Mold Inspection. Common sources of mold to look for include leaks, wood rot, and water stains.  However, your nose can also be a great mold tester, if you suspect a smell of must and mold, you should order a Mold Inspection, 

It is highly recommended to have a Mold Inspection completed at the time of your Home or Commercial Inspection, Multi-Unit Housing Inspection, and even during your Annual Home Maintenance Inspection.  Mold growth can happen quickly and it is important to try and catch it as early as you can.  This service is also available at any time if you suspect mold growth in your home or structure and should be done in conjunction with a Moisture Intrusion Inspection. 

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